Service Terms & Conditions

Information about Ryujin Electronics’ Service Terms and Conditions.

Service Terms & Conditions

These are the Terms and Conditions governing the service or repair of your product by Ryujin Electronics.

Our goods and services come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law.

The benefits conferred by this warranty are in addition to all other rights and remedies of consumers under the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 and any other laws and regulations in relation to the goods and services to which this warranty relates.

Service & Data

Ryujin Electronics will service your product as described and for the charges shown on the Service Receipt plus any applicable tax. Ryujin Electronics may restrict service to one (1) product per appointment during your visit to the Retail Store.

Ryujin Electronics understands that your data may be valuable to you. Data loss during service is always a possibility, and in some cases, data may be unrecoverable, erased, or reformatted during service. For this reason, it is your sole responsibility to back up all existing data, software, and/or programs from your product, and to device whether to erase any such data from your product, prior to receiving service.

Ryujin Electronics and its agents are, to the maximum extent permitted by law, not responsible for any loss, recovery, or compromise of data, software or programs, or loss of use of your product or other equipment arising out of the services provided by Ryujin Electronics.

You represent that your product does not contain any illegal files or data. You acknowledge that your device may be sent out by common carrier to be serviced by an external service provider. For this reason, it is recommended that you back up your device and wipe it, prior to submission for service.

Payment Terms

Your payment is due when the product is returned to you. Unless specified otherwise, the estimated amount shown on the service receipt includes all parts, labour, transportation required for the repair of the product, and any applicable tax.

Ryujin Electronics may hold you responsible for the diagnostic fee on the service receipt if Ryujin Electronics inspects your product, provides an estimate for you, and you do not authorise Ryujin Electronics to undertake the repairs for the estimated charges.

Revised Estimate

If the requested service require labour and/or parts not specified on the service receipt, Ryujin Electronics may seek your approval of a revised estimate. If you do not agree that Ryujin Electronics may revise the charges, Ryujin Electronics may return your product and hold you responsible for the diagnostic fee shown on the service receipt.

Parts & Labour

Ryujin Electronics may use new, used, or reconditioned parts. If Ryujin Electronics replaces a part, then unless otherwise agreed, title in the replaced part will pass to Ryujin Electronics as its property, and the replacement part will become your property. Replaced parts are generally repairable and are exchanged or repaired by Ryujin Electronics for value.

Inspection & Third-Party Damage

As part of service, Ryujin Electronics will attempt to complete diagnostics and functional testing on your product.

If while attempting to complete testing on your product, Ryujin Electronics is unable to complete testing due to factors such as:

(1) Damage to the product affecting its ability to power on, or,
(2) The product is locked and unable to be unlocked.

You acknowledge and agree that in the event any tests cannot be completed, Ryujin Electronics will not be held responsible for any damages.

If Ryujin Electronics determines, while inspecting your product, that repairs are needed due to:

(1) Product damage caused by abuse, misuse, misapplication, either accidentally, or wilfully,
(2) Product damage caused by liquid damage or logic board damage, or,
(3) Failures of parts that are neither supplied by Ryujin Electronics.

Ryujin Electronics reserves the right to return the product to you without repairing it and will hold you responsible for the diagnostic fee on the service receipt.

To the maximum extent permitted by law, Ryujin Electronics and its agents will not be responsible for any damage to the product that occurs during the repair process that is a result of any service, repairs or replacements not performed by Ryujin Electronics.

If damage results, Ryujin Electronics will seek your authorisation for any additional costs for completing service even if the product is covered by warranty. If you decline authorisation, Ryujin Electronics may return your product unrepaired in the damaged condition without any responsibility.

Service Liability

Certain legislation, including the Competition and Consumer Act 2010, may imply warranties or conditions or impose obligations upon Ryujin Electronics, which cannot be excluded, restricted, or modified, or cannot be excluded, restricted, or modified except to a limited extent. These Terms and Conditions must be read subject to these statutory provisions. If these statutory provisions apply, to the extent to which Ryujin Electronics is entitled to do so,

Ryujin Electronics limits its liability in respect of any claim under those provisions to at Ryujin Electronics’ option:

(1) The supplying of the services again or,
(2) The payment of the cost of having the services supplied again.

Product Liability

If any product should be damaged, lost, or stolen while in Ryujin Electronics’ custody, to the extent permitted by law Ryujin Electronics’ liability will be limited to the cost of repair or replacement of the affected product. Subject to the previous sentence, Ryujin Electronics’ entire liability for your damages from any cause whatsoever with respect to the repair of your product, whether due to Ryujin Electronics’ negligence or to any other reason, is limited to the amounts that you pay for repair services.

To the extent permitted by law, your only remedy under this repair agreement in respect of any matter not addressed by the previous sentences is to seek recovery of damages against Ryujin Electronics in an amount not exceeding what you have paid for repair services. To the extent permitted by law, Ryujin Electronics has no liability whatsoever for indirect, special, exemplary or consequential damages, lost profits, or revenue.

To the extent permitted by law, Ryujin Electronics also has no liability for loss of or damage to data or software applications. To the extent permitted by law, Ryujin Electronics is not responsible for any failures or delays in providing services that are due to events outside Ryujin Electronics’ reasonable control. Repair of your goods may result in loss of data.

To the extent permitted by law, Ryujin Electronics is not liable for any defects or damage to any software or data stored, residing, or recorded in your product, nor for any loss, corruption or breach of such data, including any confidential, proprietary or personal information or removable data.

By providing your product under these terms and conditions you accept and agree that either (a) you have made a backup copy of your data and removed any confidential, proprietary or personal information and removable media such as USB drives, CDs or pc cards, or (b) you have assumed the risk that such information or media may be lost, corrupted or compromised during service or repair.

You further acknowledge and agree that Ryujin Electronics cannot guarantee the safety, security or integrity of any data that remains on your product while it is undergoing service or repair.

System Software Upgrades

As part of service, Ryujin Electronics may install system software updates that will prevent your product from reverting to an earlier version of the system software. Third party applications installed on your product may not be compatible or work with your product as a result of the system software update.

Information Transfer

If repair service involves transferring information or installing software, you represent that you have the legal right to copy the information and agree to the terms of the software licence, and you authorise Ryujin Electronics to transfer the information and accept such terms on your behalf in performing the service.

Data Transfer

If your product is capable of storing software programs, data or other information (“Data”), Ryujin Electronics may attempt to transfer said Data to a replacement device. During service, it is possible that Data may be lost. In such an event, Ryujin Electronics will not be responsible for any loss of Data.

As part of any Data transfer service, whether or not Ryujin Electronics is able to successfully transfer Data from the original device to the replacement device, Ryujin Electronics will delete any Data on the original device. You should maintain a separate backup copy of the contents of the device’s Data, remove all personal information that you want to protect and disable all security passwords. During service it is possible that the Data will be lost, replaced or reformatted. In such an event Ryujin Electronics and its agents are not responsible for any loss of software programs, Data or other information contained on the device.

Data transfer service will involve the transfer of Data directly from the original device to the replacement device or to a compatible external data storage device you provide. Ryujin Electronics will not transfer the Data to any Ryujin Electronics owned, or 3rd party owned data storage system or device and will not store a copy of the Data as part of any Data transfer service.


Your product may be equipped with a biometric sensor such as Touch ID or Face ID. Ryujin Electronics may attempt to transfer these biometric sensors to a replacement part. During service, it is possible that the functionality of these biometric sensors may become damaged and become non-functional. In such an event, Ryujin Electronics will not be responsible for any loss of biometric functionality.

Biometric functionality may become non-functional due to damage to parts prior to or during service. Touch ID and Face ID biometric functionality is paired to your product.

Software Warnings

After service, your product may notify you of an unknown part. This is a software change made by Apple Inc. following the release of iOS 12 and does not affect the parts used to repair your product. Ryujin Electronics makes use of reprogramming tools on replacement parts to the best of Ryujin Electronics’ ability.

Ryujin Electronics warrants:

(1) That the repairs were performed in a competent and workmanlike manner and,
(2) That all parts used to repair your product were free from defects in materials and workmanship.

Liquid Resistance

After service, your product may no longer be water resistant. You acknowledge and agree that Ryujin Electronics will not be held liable for any damage to your product that may occur prior to, during, or after service to the product. This includes, but is not limited to, damage to the products hardware, software, or data. You acknowledge and agree that Ryujin Electronics does not cover liquid damage under the express limited warranty.

Ryujin Electronics warrants:

(1) That the repairs were be performed in a competent and workmanlike manner and,
(2) That all parts used to repair your product were free from defects in materials and workmanship.

Shipping & Delivery

Ryujin Electronics may provide an estimate on when a replacement product or shipping box to facilitate service will be shipped to you. Once your order has been prepared for shipment or has shipped, Ryujin Electronics is unable to change the shipping address. Please note that for deliveries that require a signature, if you are willing to assume the risks of your order being delivered without anyone at the delivery address, you may authorise Ryujin Electronics to arrange for a delivery without the need for a signature.


It is your responsibility to backup all existing data, software, and programs, and to erase all existing data before receiving services. Ryujin Electronics is not responsible for loss, recovery, or compromise of data, programs, or loss of use of equipment arising out of the services provided by Ryujin Electronics. You represent that your product does not contain illegal files or data.


Appointments cancelled or rescheduled six (6) hours before the appointment time will not be charged. Appointments cancelled or rescheduled within six (6) hours of the appointment time may be subject to a rebooking fee.

Ryujin Electronics and its agents will wait for a maximum of fifteen (15) minutes past the agreed appointment time in the event that you are late. In the event that you show up fifteen (15) minutes past the agreed appointment time Ryujin Electronics and its agents may decide to charge a rebooking fee.

Uncollected Goods

It is a condition of Ryujin Electronics accepting your product for service that the product is subject to disposal of uncollected goods legislation and that this legislation confers on Ryujin Electronics a right of sale exercisable in certain circumstances.

If you have not claimed your product and paid all charges due within the minimum period required by law after Ryujin Electronics has provided you with notice that your product is ready for re-delivery to you, Ryujin Electronics will consider your product abandoned and Ryujin Electronics will be entitled to exercise its rights under law to dispose of the product. Ryujin Electronics will provide all notices to you required by this section or that Ryujin Electronics is required to provide to you under law in relation to the exercise of Ryujin Electronics’ right of disposal, by delivering such notice at the mailing address you furnished when you authorised the service.

Ryujin Electronics may dispose of your product in accordance with law, and specifically, Ryujin Electronics may sell your product at a private or public sale or by such other legally permitted means without liability to you. Ryujin Electronics may deduct from the disposal proceeds any amounts owing to Ryujin Electronics and any remainder will be dealt with in accordance with law. Ryujin Electronics reserves its statutory and any other lawful liens for unpaid charges.

Complete Agreement

This Agreement governs transactions accepted by Ryujin Electronics. No other oral or written terms or conditions apply. Ryujin Electronics does not authorise any variance or modification of this Agreement. Ryujin Electronics is not responsible for any failures or delays in processing sales, performing service, or delivering your product that are due to events outside Ryujin Electronics’ reasonable control.

Data Protection

You agree and understand that it is necessary for Ryujin Electronics to collect, process and use your data in order to process sales, perform service and confirm compliance with applicable laws. Ryujin Electronics will maintain and use your personal data in order to allow you to exercise your rights arising from the service of your product and for quality and service-related purposes.

Ryujin Electronics will not use your information for direct marketing purposes without obtaining your consent. If you wish to have access to the information that Ryujin Electronics holds concerning you or if you want to make changes, contact Ryujin Electronics to update your personal contact preferences.

Governing Laws

These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of the Australian Capital Territory, Australia (without giving effect to its conflict of law provisions). If any provision or part of a provision of these Terms and Conditions is held to be illegal or unenforceable, that provision or part of the provision (as the case may be) will no longer be part of the Terms and Conditions, and the Terms and Conditions will be enforceable as though that provision or part of the provision (as the case may be) never was a part of them.

These Terms and Conditions are the only ones that govern Ryujin Electronics’ repair of your product. Except as otherwise stated in these Terms and Conditions, no other oral or written terms or conditions apply, including those in any purchase order that you provide to Ryujin Electronics. No one has the authority from Ryujin Electronics to vary any of these Terms and Conditions.

We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to update, change or replace any part of these Terms and Conditions by posting updates and changes to our website. It is your responsibility to check our website for changes. Your continued use of, or access to our website, or the service following the posting of any changes to these Terms and Conditions constitutes acceptance of those changes.


The information contained in this website is subject to change without notice.

Updated by Ryujin Electronics on April 27, 2023.